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At the office of the Federation of Abkhaz Cultural Centers of Turkey in Istanbul

At the office of the Federation of Abkhaz Cultural Centers of Turkey in Istanbul, the Chairman of the Repatriation Committee Kharaziya Vadim and his Deputy Bagateliya Astamur met with representatives of the Federation of Abkhaz Cultural Centers in Turkey. During the meeting, a cooperation agreement was signed between the chairman of the Abkhazian Repatriation Committee Vadim Kharazia and the chairman of the Federation of Abkhazian Cultural Centers in Turkey Atanur Akusba. The agreement includes 22 points and represents a wide range of interaction in different areas of mutual cooperation.

Аԥсадгьыл ахь ахынҳәразы Аҳәынҭқарратә еилаки Тырқәтәыла иҟоу Аԥсуа культуратә хеидкылақәа рфедерациеи русецуразы аиқәшаҳаҭра | PDF >>>